CNS Held Scientific Training Workshop

The College of Natural Sciences (CNS) has conducted a workshop on scientific training for staff researchers and postgraduate students from April 17-18, 2018. 

Dr. Gemechis File, the Collge Dean, has officially opened the training worshop through his remarks in which he addressed the necessity of building the researchers capacity in various aspects in order to safeguard the quality of research findings and improve researchers’ “research and publication Ethics”.

The training workshop, that targeted both active staff researchsers and postgraduate (MSc and PhD) students, covered two broad contents namely (1) Scientifc writing and Publication ethics: offered by Prof. ketema Bacha, a senior staff in the College, and (2) E-resources and Reference management software (EndNote and Mendeley): offered by the Collge Library Head, Mr. Addisalem Assefa. 

The training on Scientifc writing and Publication Ethics aimed to address all the issues from  preparation of a draft manunuscript to its submision, and the related Ethical issues in the process of Publication. The training has provided the participants with basic skills of preparing good quality manuscripts for publication in merit-based stadard journals and thus evade the risk of becoming victims of substandrd predatory journals. By providing knowledge on issues of publication ethics, the training also would help curb the breach of publication ethics currently being commited by some staff and students. 

The part of the training on E-resources and Reference management software (EndNote and Mendeley) provided the particiapnts with the knowledge and skills of use on free Internet databases for scientifc articles, free  but LAN based Internet databases, techniques of Boolean operators, the use of Jimma University Library System (JULS), and basic skills on using EndNote and Mendley as reference management tools during scientific writing. This training invloved a hands-on-practice approach in order to familiarize the participants with the use of Internet Databases and Reference management software. 




Morethan 200 particiapnts benefited from the entire training. Finally, Dr. Mulugeta Wakjira, College Research and Postgrduate Cordinator, extended his gratitude to the trainers for their time, energy and professional comittment  to provide the training, and the participants for their keen interest to take part in the training workshop.