Excellence in community service and engagement


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Excellence in community service and engagement


Jimma University’s motto is “We are in the Community!” and it is with pride that Community Based Education (CBE) is foundational to all academic programs at Jimma University. Jimma University seeks to get away from the academic ivory tower model, and makes sure that all students and faculty engage directly with local communities in order to understand social problems beyond the classroom and in real life. Students get hands on experience working on a variety of projects through the flagship and nationally renowned Community Based Education program. Jimma University as an institution is also heavily involved in the development of the local city, Jimma, and everyone from first year students to the university leadership are actively engaged in the betterment of the local society. Jimma University has made it a priority to ensure that education is community based and allows for the creation of practically minded, problem solving oriented professionals each year. Therefore, community based education is the third pillar of Jimma University.

Philosophy of Jimma University Community based Education